Monday, April 17, 2017

2 Months Down!

Today marks two months since I started with VIPKID!

I can't believe how quickly the time has gone!

Here are my stats:
  • 59 days with VIPKID
  • 98 Chinese students taught
  • 183 classes taught
  • 4575 minutes of teaching completed
  • 182 followers (parents who follow my schedule)
  • 5 teachers referred 
  • 4.99 parent rating (73 5-apple and 1 4-apple review)
  • Fully booked within 3 minutes of when booking opens
I absolutely love this job!!  I keep posting and sharing for two reasons:
  1.   I really do love it and am SO grateful that I had friends that shared it on their timelines so I could see.
  2. The referral bonuses are pretty epic :D
In February, I only worked a week or so, so the pay really wasn't that great.  In March, I taught 89 classes!  I earned bonuses for:
  • having 4 referrals start teaching
  • being in the top 100 of March teachers for 5-apple parent feedback
  • having 4 trial students join VIPKID after I taught them
When I added together everything I made and divided it by the hours I taught, I ended up making $29 per hour!  I'll take it :D

If you'd like to apply to join this amazing company, please consider using my link and letting me know!  I will help you as much as I can as you go through the hiring process.

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