Wednesday, July 27, 2016

My journey to VIPKID

Hello!  Welcome to my blog!  I will be documenting my adventures with VIPKID.


I originally heard about VIPKID via Facebook ads.  It piqued my interest, especially because I was pregnant.  I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom and thought it would be a great opportunity.  I applied, but put off the interview until after my baby was a few months old.  During that time, I had a few friends start posting about VIPKID and how much they loved it.  It was a friend's post confirming that there was no longer a minimum hours requirement that sent me over the edge to interview.  And I'm so glad I did!

Application Process

According to this interview with CEO Cindy Mi, only 6-10% of teachers that apply are hired.  It's an intense process, but worth giving it a shot if this is something you're interested in.

July 27, 2016--applied
February 9, 2017--Interview I intentionally waited that long.  You can get an interview the week you apply.  Found out I passed within a few hours.
February 15, 2017--Mock Class 1 Again, I found out I passed that day.
February 17, 2017--Mock Class 2 Not always required.  I found out I passed that day.
February 17, 2017--Contract Info
February 21, 2017--First Class
March 14, 2017--First Paycheck

If you're interested in applying, please consider using my referral link!  VIPKID is wonderful at rewarding teachers for finding more great teachers.  Feel free to contact me for help during your application process!

Pre-dated to my application date.  Written 4/10/17

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